

有理数 ?明明是有理英文分数 。专业词汇翻译一定要准啊 ,数被否则就会让人难以理解!翻译

1 英语原意


有理数 rational number



2Rational Number 英语原意

A Rational Number can be made by dividing an integer by an integer.


1.5 is 歪单词大悟a rational number because 1.5 = 3/2 (3 and 2 are both integers)

Here are some more examples:

Oops! The square root of 2 cannot be written as a simple fraction! And there are many more such numbers, and because they are not rational they are called Irrational.

Another famous irrational number is Pi (π)

Formal Definition of Rational Number

More formally we say:

A rational number is a number that can be in the form p/q

where p and q are integers and q is not equal to zero.

So, a rational number can be: p/q

where q is not zero.

3 Rational、Ratio的看完今晚澳门必中一肖一码香港含义

rational adjective

based on clear thought and reason:


There must be some rational explanation for what happened.a rational act/course of actiona rational argument/decisionHe was too upset to be rational.

Ratio noun

the relationship between two groups or amounts that expresses how much bigger one is than the other:

The ratio of men to women at the conference was ten to one/10:1.The school is trying to improve its pupil-teacher ratio (= the number of teachers compared with the number of students).

3 中文含义

有理数是整数(正整数、0、有理英文2024澳门资料大全下载负整数)和分数的数被统称,是翻译整数和分数的集合 。

4 感想

“有理数”这一名称不免叫人费解,歪单词大悟有理数并不比别的看完数更“有道理”。事实上 ,有理英文这似乎是数被一个翻译上的失误。有理数一词是翻译管家婆三期内必开一期从西方传来 ,在英语中是歪单词大悟rational number,而rational通常的看完意义是“理性的” 。中国在近代翻译西方科学著作 ,依据日语中的翻译方法 ,以讹传讹 ,把它译成了“有理数”。但是,这个词来源于古希腊 ,其英文词根为ratio ,就是比率的意思(这里的词根是英语中的,希腊语意义与之相同) 。所以这个词的意义也很显豁 ,就是整数的“比” 。与之相对 ,“无理数”就是不能精确表示为两个整数之比的数,而并非没有道理 。

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